
Family: The Informal Institution of Learning

Family: The Informal Institution of Learning
Published On: 02-Jul-2021

Family is the second tier of human society on earth after the existence of individuals. The journey from individual life till the formation of modern human society (nation-state system) is basically the output of a natural process of evolution which usually takes place in a matter of centuries. The creation of the universe and the birth of humankind on earth has opened a plethora of chapters regarding different aspects of human life and society. It was basically the inauguration of a complex human phenomenon which at that time seemed and felt to be a simple one. The changing circumstances and expansion of human life on earth in general and the application of human intellect in particular has led to the exploration of many hidden treasures of nature. In every walk of life whether it is social or religious, economic or political and scientific or technological, man, being a social (later on political) animal has observed and went through various experiments and experiences in these spheres of life. The reason by virtue of which human beings have been given preference over all other living beings in the universe is nothing else but the power of intellect in their mind. Indeed, both man and woman are blessed with the power of intellect by nature without any discrimination. The nexus between these two opposite genders within general human society on the one hand and within the context of family on the other is one of the important questions to be observed. Family which comes into existence in the wake of a social contract (marriage) between two opposite genders is indeed a beautiful beginning to an informal learning.

The relationship between two partners is important not only for them but for their expected offspring as well. Initially, both male and female as husband and wife begin to establish an emotional relationship with each other. This emotional and intimate relationship gradually transforms into a holistic picture, in the form of dealing with many issues and household affairs. A plethora of matters in the form of different requirements, needs and necessities of life are there to be dealt and accomplished by them such as the provision of daily grocery, the cleanliness and maintenance of the house, the cooking system, maintaining or establishing clan relationship and above all the financial management of the whole exercise on routine basis. This evolutionary process naturally provides an informal environment of learning while dealing with all these responsibilities of the household. As two basic pillars of the same structure, they can strengthen their family unit by pinpointing each other's mistakes, giving space to each other and above all by adjusting themselves with each other to live a good life. The more the partners are accommodating, the more the structure of the family will be strong. Hence, the family structure needs a sense of ownership, affection, trust and peaceful co-existence of both the partners.

The story doesn’t end here because the same family which is initially formed of two opposite genders in the form of a social contract (read: marriage), gradually extends when they mutually agree to proceed for conception. In the aftermath of that natural and legal process of intimacy they get a child or children after a specific span of time. The family, thus, extends when the husband becomes father and wife becomes mother. Now the canvass of informal learning further extends as the number of family members increases gradually. Previously, the relationship revolved around two members of a family but with the advent of new members or members in the form of child or children, the nature and direction of that relationship changed. Thereafter, the parents start to divert their attention towards their children by providing them good nourishment, shelter, social training and all other facilities of life. Within a family, the parents usually provide their children good social training, develop their positive habits, introduce them with common socio-cultural activities, guide them how to behave with their parents, relatives, elders and other people around them. Thus, family is the first informal institution of learning which plays an important role in the social development and character building of human beings.

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