Students' Corner

MBBS & BDS from Bangladesh Medical Colleges

MBBS & BDS from Bangladesh Medical Colleges
Published On: 09-Jan-2024

Article by

Waqar Baig, Scholarship Network Pakistan


Dear all, Let me give you a very good option and believe me. I am suggesting it after looking at almost all the facts. If you are not able to get admission in MBBS or BDS in Pakistan, then before trying for the options of Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan or China (I am not undermining them in any way, but just giving my personal opinion), Do try for admissions in Bangladesh Medical Colleges.

Why so ? Kuin ?

1) You can get admission in the Govt. Medical Colleges of Bangladesh

2) When you get admission in Govt. owned medical colleges in any country, especially in South Asia, such as Bangladesh. They will have the same quality level as other countries such as Pakistan or India. Bangladesh Doctors are equally well known for the quality healthcare around the world as Pakistani doctors. Moreover, you will have practical experience of the same kind of diseases as in Pakistan, due to similarities in many regards

3) I am not undermining medical schools in China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, etc, but check the dates of establishing (birth dates) the medical schools in these countries and in Bangladesh You will get the idea that Govt. Medical Schools in Bangladesh are old enough, which have had enough time to develop skills, faculty, and practical facilities in their colleges that are the same as you are having in Pakistan Govt. Medical Colleges. 

See their establishment dates in PDF in the drive link 

4) The most important is the annual fee of Medical Schools in Bangladesh, which varies from just 10,000 PKR to 25,000 PKR per year. Yes, per year (so less)

5) Dormitory is free in most of Bangladesh Medical Schools

6) If you eat from university mess, then your monthly expenses can be maximum 10,000 PKR per month or if you cook yourself, then they can be even less, if you eat from outside, then they can vary upto to 25,000 PKR per month maximum.

7) A lot of Pakistani students are studying there. Language of instruction is Bangla and English Mix. But this language is not difficult, you can easily learn it in two to three months according to Pakistanis studying there. There is no racism to Pakistani students there as reported by Pakistani students studying there

8 ) PMDC, who is doing very badly with foreign medical graduates by not giving them license to practice in Pakistan nowadays. They gave full allowance to Bangladesh Medical Graduates to practice in Pakistan

9) Considering less money and having education in Govt. & established medical schools in Bangladesh are the best option. Also, many medical schools at Bangladesh have higher rankings than King Edward Medical College in QS rankings

10) Google the reasons for studying MBBS or BDS in Bangladesh. You will find amazing reasons from Indians also. I will also suggest that you take admission even paying a private fee (quite high) in old respected colleges of Bangladesh rather than studying in private colleges in Pakistan, I see their old private medical colleges dated back to 1985, 1995 etc. See their establishment dates in PDF in the drive link 

Deadline : 29 February 2024

Bangladesh Scholarship MBBS/BDS Admission Circular for Foreign Students (Session 2023-2024) on SAARC Quota

➡ Seats Distribution for Pakistan

MBBS = 21

BDS = 2

➡ Criteria

Criteria for Admission of Foreign Students in the MBBS and BDS Courses in Government Medical Colleges/Dental Colleges / Dental Units in Bangladesh for 2023-24 academic year.

A) Equivalence of Foreign Degree:

1. Must have passed qualifying examinations HSC/A-level or equivalent examination.

2. SSC/ O-level or equivalent examination passed before 2020.

3. HSC/A-level or equivalent examination passed before 2022.

4. Minimum aggregate GPA in SSC / O-level or equivalent and HSCI A-level or equivalent examination: 8.00 (eight).

5. Minimum GP in Biology: 3.5 out of 5.0 scale.

6.  For calculating GPA against the percentage of marks obtained in SSC equivalent O-level or other equivalent exam only top 5 subjects are considered.


B) For calculation of GPA against the marks obtained in HSC/A-level or equivalent exam, only 3 subjects (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology) are considered.

1. Application Form: Duly filled online application forms in specific template and upload the stated above by 29 February 2024.

2. All certificates must be duly attested. by the competent authority, i.e., Education and  the foreign ministries of the respective countries. Applicants need not be required to submit the hard copies of relevant documents to the Embassy/High Commission.

3 Eligible applicants have to produce all academic certificates, admit cards, and marksheets/ transcripts in original at the time of their admission.

C) Tuition Fees: 

For government medical and dental colleges, students from SAARC countries will be required to pay tuition and other fees at the rate charged to a Bangladeshi student (e.g., Last year almost 22-26k PKR).  Students from other countries will have to pay $5000 (five thousand) per year in addition to the tuition fees charged for Bangladeshi students. If students can’t pass the exam in due time, additional charges have to be paid.

D) Application Fee: 

Each applicant must send USS 100.00 (one hundred) as a non-refundable application fee by Telegraphic Transfer (T. T)/SWIFT Code through


Name of Bank: Standard Chartered Bank, New York

Account No: 3582020365001



Name of Bank: Mashreq Bank Psc. New York

Account No: 70120518



Name of Bank: AB Bank Ltd. Mumbai

Account No: 5001-000003-155



This time only, online application

1- Interested candidates have to submit an online application only through

2- No hard copy of the application will be needed to submit to the Bangladesh foreign mission abroad.


Deadline of submission of online applications is 29 February 2024 for both government and Private Medical Colleges/Dental Colleges/Dental Units.

No application will be considered after the deadline.


Beneficiary Director, Medical Education & HMPD, DGME, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. A/C No: 0430020002489 with Rupali Bank Ltd, Mohakhali Branch, Dhaka, Bangladesh. T. T (Telegraphic Transfer) received copy (deposit received memo) must be attached with an online application form.

E) Only online applications will be accepted.

Detailed information of application procedure (including online application) and its deadline will be found in the following websites:

MBBS & BDS students Scholarship opportunities for students.

Here you can find it .

Link to apply

Many Pakistanis students are helping in this regard.

According to Huzaifa Ahmed suggestions, who is an MBBS student in Bangladesh applying to these colleges.


Dhaka Medical College

Mymensingh Medical College

Comilla Medical College


Dhaka Dental College

Chittagong Medical College, Dental Unit.

Shaheed Sohrawardi Medical College, Dental Unit. 

Also, see another medical student in Bangladesh's video, Dr-Waqar Alam

Please apply for this. 

The information shared here and the points I mentioned here are my own. So you can disagree and apply at other places.

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