Youngest MD in Media Industry

Youngest MD in Media Industry
Published On: 01-May-2021

Article by

Chaudhry Moazzam Majeed

Youngest MD of satellite channel

At such a young age, you are helming Aur TV as Managing Director. How do you feel being on such a high designation?

Honestly, I keep on pendulating on different sides of the spectrum. I feel nervous, as I am quite young and it is a lot of responsibility however, simultaneously, I see it as an opportunity for massive learning. I feel excited when I realize that I can, through Aur TV, work for my nation on broader perspectives. I am all geared up to serve the audience and to work on building a positive image of Pakistan. I would like to add that it becomes stressful sometimes, as I manage all the management functions of entertainment and news productions. But, touchwood, I have a really dedicated and supportive team; everybody guides me and we walk together whenever there is a difficulty.

In the modern era, where everyone is practicing individualism; I feel your inclination is wholly towards collective effort. I would like to hear from you about it.

You are absolutely right. I believe in collective identity, and I would like to give credit to my father. He has struggled a lot in his life, and he has always thought about serving people, he has always been more concerned about how people around him can benefit from his education and work. He thinks for the collective betterment, and he has transferred his vision and approach in me as well. I believe that every human has some unique potential and he must be given a platform to prove himself, and this is what Aur Tv does.

Who has been your inspiration in your life?

There have been a lot of inspirations in my life (smiles). First of all, I would say, I am what I am solely because of my father. I have seen him working very sincerely; there were times when he would work on holidays too. This really inspires me, his dedication and love for work has always motivated me, and now, I try to imitate him. I focus on excelling professionally, and most of all the significant thing which I have learnt from him is to maintain a balance in life. I am fully involved in work in the office hours and enjoy myself when I am with my family or friends. This keeps my life smooth and contented.

What are three secret ingredients that are indispensable for personal and professional fineness that you had incorporated in your life?

This is a fascinating question. Passion tops the list of my three magic ingredients. I have always been passionate about myself, about work and about my life. We should always do what we are passionate about; and if it is not our work, then we should take our passion along. For instance, football is my passion; and I spend my time playing football and family. Second ingredient is honesty --- honesty with your work coupled with positive intention. You literally grow with sincerity; I always look for options to explore more in terms of work. Even I include my friends and deserving people in my vision, since collective effort and teamwork pays you off rightly. Last but not the least factor is persistence; I have never stopped trying. Despite many ups and downs, I remain stuck to my goals and leave everything on God, and trust me, it does wonders.

Life is not a bed of roses and you are extremely positive in your conduct. How do you manage negativity and backlash in your life?

I simply ignore it (laughs). I don’t waste my time dealing with haters; I just keep on moving. I have been inherited with strong will and determination. Having said that, I just focus on my work, and there you go— no time for backlash.

Apart from work, what do you do in “Me Time”?

I spend my time with my family and friends. I play football and listen to music. Plus, I have a strong bond with God, I talk to him through my prayers. Precisely, I don’t let my “me time” get diluted with any other energy.

What are your future goals?

I want to uplift the standards of Pakistan. I want to expand my business on an international level and make my country and parents proud. I plan to produce content that would not only entertain the masses, but would also educate them. I believe entertainment is the best tool to spread awareness on various issues like mental health, women empowerment, poverty etc. Furthermore, I have great plans to engage our youth in content creation.

Chaudhry Abdul Rasheed

Chairman AUR Network

Being a Chairman, please tell us what values does Aur TV aim to promote?

Well, quite frankly, we don’t plan to follow the bandwagon. Our philosophy is to impart values and social norms by keeping in consideration our social responsibility. We aim to educate and inform the audience at the same time. If you see, we have a lot of social issues in our society, and our audience needs thorough guidance about it, we just want to produce a platform where we could facilitate the masses. We don’t run after commercialism; we believe in quality content.

How do you see the current media standards? Are you happy with them?

No, I am not happy with the current media standards, they are only portraying the bitter facts of the society, and ignoring the beautiful part. I also feel that boundaries and limitations should be practiced by the media seriously.

Keeping in view the benchmarks set by the media, how Aur TV is going to be different than its contemporaries?

Well, the basic objective of Aur TV is to promote and reinforce social and moral values among the masses. We aim to highlight the positive aspects of our society and construct a good image of our nation.

You have served PEMRA for a very long time; being a veteran media person, how do you plan to incorporate your experiences and approach in Aur TV?

I firmly believe in encouraging young talent. Our country is a place which is full of talented people in various fields. Aur TV is a platform that welcomes ideas, quality content, and a positive vision. So, our plan is to include young people who are innovative and can make a difference.

What change would you like to bring in Pakistani Media?

My answer would be quite straightforward i.e., focusing on the positive avenues of our society. I feel that the media has a great role in image building, so I would really like it to showcase content that would be helpful in not only creating a good image of our society but also, in spreading social and cultural values. I assure you that Aur TV is going to make a difference in this regard.

What message would you like to give to our young generation?

I would really invite them to self-reflect: are they utilizing their freedom in the right direction? They have so much potential; they can do wonders. They just don't self-actualize and understand the purpose of their life.

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