
Astrology : The Science of Fortune Telling-II

Astrology : The Science of Fortune Telling-II
Published On: 28-Feb-2023

Article by

Zubair Chisti

Heavenly Bodies; The Fate Hardware 

In our Milky Way Galaxy there is such Heavenly Bodies hardware that is driving human life with such software that has been explored by Astrology silently running in it. It is understood that somebody having Almighty capacity (God himself; as nobody else possesses such gigantic wisdom, authority) created this hardware, installed software, and gave a momentum to run it on a planned automatic mode.

Astrologers have derived the ‘Fate Software’ from four Heavenly Bodies made up of different qualities of matter: these four entities constitute collaborated & simultaneously interactive phenomena. Astronomy has brought Astrology to a certain level, that it can fairly be acknowledged as the Science of Human Fate. 

How the Human Fortune-Software Works? 

Only Astrology explains how this Fortune Software works. The 12 number signs rotate around the Earth due to Earth spin around its axis, and 12 number planets of the Solar System; these two categories of heavenly bodies are 24 number remote-controls; making transits & mutual angles; they form different interactive combinations among them & throw their reflected rays to human mind according to their good and bad positions that they undergo while voyaging around the Earth. Then humans perform certain planning, decision making and actions in daily life. This extremely intelligent, complex and sensitive software activates using cosmic light as source energy. Transforming that energy into electric signal commands to Earth via Heavenly Bodies compounding their matter effects into. Following are main four types of hardware heavenly bodies simultaneously active and involved in the Fortune System:

1.      There are 12 equal size shapes made up of fixed stars constellations situated in the 360 degrees circle around our galaxy ‘the Milky Way’. These shaping constellations of fixed stars forming signs are called Zodiac Signs. These are named: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer, so on up to Pisces.

2.      Then comes 12 Houses; these are 12 equal divisions of 360 degree circle in space from Earth to the outside boundary of our Solar System called ‘Houses’; this is the open space area where rotation of the Solar System planets takes place in orbits around the Earth.

3.      There are 12 planets of the Solar System named: the Star Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon (satellite of the Earth), Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.

4.      Lastly, orbiting movements of the Solar System around the Star Sun through the Signs and Houses of the Birth Chart.

From these 12 signs to the Earth’s surface, there is a huge cosmic gap, and this gap is also divided into 12 parts directly underneath the zodiac signs. These 12 divisions of the cosmic gap are called 12 houses. The 12 signs throw their effects on the Earth’s surface through these 12 houses reflecting the solar system. The Moon and the Sun along with its solar system always keep their voyage continued around the Earth. The cosmic lights and sunlight add together and pass through the signs constellation of the zodiac then reflect from Solar System Heavenly Bodies carrying their effects, crossing through the houses to reach the Earth surface showering on the Earth.

 The Birth Chart

A map is made adding the positions of twelve signs, houses, and planets positions according to the exact date, time and place of birth of a person called the birth chart or a horoscope. Astrologers read the horoscope to read one’s personality, make future plans and predict possible events of life. The record of all life of a person is safe in his/her birth time. The exact date, time, and the place/city of a person’s birth are the most important data of one’s life. This vital data must be kept always safe, so that astrologers can look into one’s life path through his/her fortune book that is only possible to open with this data. And astrologers can devise solutions to the problems of person’s and better plan his future & life on the whole.

Occult, Astrology & Islam

The world of today knows only a few occult sciences by name, and yes; scientists can now claim to be researching them. But, Islamic spiritual occult has always been the greatest heritage of spirituality in Islam which is beyond the limits of matter, time, and space. Not only astrology, but a variety of spiritual knowledge combinations has been a great asset of Muslim researchers and scholars. The role of Islam (the Holy Qur’an, the prophets of Allah, the scholars of Islam, and the friends of Allah) in the occult has always been overwhelming. The Friends of Allah (the real Islam practicing and God-fearing spiritual people); the Muslim researchers and astrologers have given the most revolutionary growth to all occult and astrology through spirituality. They always used the spiritual occult as a great source of guidance to their beloved friends, trainees and taught strength of faith to their followers and pupils of Sharia, spirituality, and tariqat. Certain holy prophets of Allah had astrology as one of their miracles/tools bestowed to them by God/Allah Almighty. Ancient Islamic Astrology believes that Hazrat Adam (AS) was the first human being who was revealed/taught astrology by Hazrat Gabriel (AS) on the command of Allah Almighty. Hazrat Idrees (AS), Hazrat Irmia (AS), Hazrat Noah (AS) and many more prophets had contributed to occult and astrology. Even the Chief of the Prophethood: the Muslims’ Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) had also unveiled many pieces of astrology in many of his hadiths from time to time. The Holy Qur’an has also given many clues of astrology in different chapters and verses especially Sura-tul-Burooj Ch-30 and has left the research work to mankind to dig it out more to prove its existence materially and scientifically. The Holy Phenomenon of Lauh-e-Mahfooz and certain pieces of hadith-e-Prophet also gave us his sayings of the definite existence of such a preset system in the skies managing life cycle, events and matters of human life. As many are desirous of his oceans of spiritual occult knowledge God Almighty uses to reward His (AM) loving friends through meditation, revelation, intuition, dreams, and in many other ways. Occult and Astrology is the part and parcel of spirituality and tariqat in Islam. But the variety of spiritual knowledge, the deepest and the most sensitive pieces of knowledge are only bestowed by Allah to those who are the real followers, and lovers of Allah, His Almighty’s last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), and to those who are the real practicing Muslims; and those who have completed their belief, faith, and conviction in Allah’s oneness and His almighty, and have bowed their intentions, heads, and hearts to Allah forever.

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