
Sufism & Its Practical Approach in Perspective of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi’s Services

Sufism & Its Practical Approach in Perspective of Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi’s Services
Published On: 12-Apr-2021

Imam-e-Rabbani's services for the unity of Muslim Ummah is an example for the preachers, revivers and reformers of all ages. Imam-e-Rabbani's motto was the unity of Muslim-Ummah under a single flag of Quran-o-Sunnah. He was a harbinger of unity. He was iconoclast against all forces of evils and sins. His age was an era of decline for Islamic values and traditions. Jalal-udin-Akber had distorted and mis-shaped the face of Islam. His "Deen-e-Akberi"(Akber's school of thought) had finished all barriers between the Muslims and the non-Muslims. His concept of one nationhood for all the Indians and one universal religion for all the followers were great dangers for Muslim-Ummah. Imam-e-Rabbani (RA) adopted a wise, adequate, apt and applicable policy and strategy to achieve his target of Muslim Unity and revival of pure Islamic values.

         Sheikh Sirhindi told that there were three main groups of selected people who could exercise great impact on the common herd and society, and without their repairment and reformation no real revolution could be envisaged. These three groups are as follows.

1.     Aristocratic nobles of the royal court.

2.     Ulemas/scholars/leaders of religious affairs.

3.     Saints/Mystics Spiritual Guides and Leaders.

         Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi(RA) adopted a very realistic policy and strategy for this purpose. He addressed and focused the rulers for real reformation and change in Indian society in spite of common herd.

  •  He targeted philosophical & practical reformation of spiritual guides and so called raw-minded mystics.
  • He made an ideological struggle against materialistic minded religious leaders to create a real Islamic atmosphere sincerely.
  • His preaching of the concept of Wadat-ul-Shahood in spite of Wahda-tul-Wajood was actually part of his struggle to falsify the propaganda of Bhaghti movement of the Hindus.
  • He adopted policy of peace & order in spite of plundering/ disorder or massacre as it was the right decision to sane his energies and utilize them for positive measures.
  • Shaikh Ahmad (R.A) focused on Personalities as well as concept/ ideology.
  •  He also focused on reformation of faiths as a basic theme.

         Imam-e-Rabbani is a historical personality. His teachings can unite the Muslim-Ummah quite successfully. There is no movement or controversy against Imam-e-Rabbani Mujaddid Alf Sani. Imam-e-Rabbani wrote hundreds of epistles and treatises which is a milestone for his predecessor and followers.

Pakistan and other parts of the world are facing problems like terrorism, ignorance, poverty, human rights violation, socio-political and other problems these days. These problems can be solved under the guiding principles of Imam-e-Rabbani.

Shaikh Ahmad Sirhindi Mujaddid Alf Sani (R.A) was a great scholar, saint, philosopher of Islamic sciences, matchless-writer, successful preacher, undaunted leader, dynamic & versatile spiritual guide and reviver of Islam for the second millennium.

Imam-e- Rabbani opened his eyes when India was a country of many nations, religions, sects and different schools of thought. They all were at war against one another. He did not add fuel to fire. His mission was versatile and comprehensive. He put all his efforts to extinguish the fire of hatred, anxiety, restlessness and disorder. He did not waste his energies in useless practices and unfruitful duels and clashes. His strategy was clear and peace- giving. He said,


"The head of a nation is the servant to them".

Imam-e- Rabbani did not start fighting against the Hindus and the non-Muslims but gave the lesson of piety, harmony and modesty. He emphasized the Muslims to prepare themselves for the Hereafter and lead a simple and pious life. This is a solution to all troubles.

Imam-e- Rabbani (R.A.), in his books and epistles, showed a very clear path to salvation in this world and the Hereafter. He preached the Muslims to lead a complete Islamic life taking in view the example of dear Holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW). In short, Imam-e- Rabbani's teachings paved a way to real happiness for all the nations and for all generations for a peaceful life. His efforts became fruitful and Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb became a practical example of his teachings.

 The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said:

"All actions are attached with intentions of heart and everyone will be rewarded according to his intentions".

The life of our dear Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) comprises two types of features; secular and religious. As Allah demands complete submission i.e., outer and inner as well. As Allah demands in another verse of Holy Quran:

"Say (to them) if they love Almighty Allah, follow my complete life (As a result), Allah will endear you".

(Al Quran, 3:31)

         So, Shariat beautifies the outer actions of a Muslim and flourishes his intentions also. Imam-e-Rabbani, while differentiating real difference between Shariat and Tareeqat (spiritualism) says that Shariat is real deen, whereas Tareeqat is only Shariat's maid-servant and foot-lady. Without Shariat, there is no Tareeqat except disbelief and devilish practices.

         Jahanghir was forced by circumstances and he apologized to Imam-e-Rabbani (R.A) for his misunderstandings. At this point Imam-e-Rabbani (R.A), after his release from jail, decided to stay with the Mughal Army and purify their anti-Islamic beliefs. When Jahanghir came under complete training and influence of Imam-e-Rabbai (R.A), he was totally changed. He abolished all anti-Islamic rules issued by Akber and Muslim-India Govt.

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